Strawberry, date and granola smoothie bowl
Ingredients for the smoothie :
- 100 g de strawberries
- 100 g de dates
- 50 g de cut dates
- 50 ml de milk (coconut, almond)
- 1 tsp of honey
- 1 tsp date syrup
- 1 tbsp of date sugar (date powder)
- 10 Ice cubes
Ingredients for the topping:
- 2 to 3 strawberries
- 3 dates (Deglet Nour)
- Cut Dates
- Honey or date syrup
Preparation of the granola:
- 150 g of cut dates:
- 100 g of almonds
- 200 g oatmeal
- 1 tsp of cinnamon
- 1 tbsp of neutral oil
Decoration :
Cut the strawberries, place the pieces on the smoothie
Place the granola, dates (Deglet Nour) and cut dates in topping