Date Seed Oil

Tunisian desert gold

Date Seed oil is a precious oil obtained by first cold pressing of date Seed, called Phoenix Dactylifera, with a light, pleasant texture and yellowish color, without any chemical solvent.

1. What is it made up of ?

Mono and poly unsaturated fatty acids :

Oleic acid improves skin absorption of products and the penetration of anti-inflammatory creams such as Tenoxicam (a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug).

Linoleic acid – a monounsaturated fatty acid – is essential for the body since it does not know how to make it.

It is used to strengthen :

    • The nails.
    • Hair loss.
    • Dull complexion.
    • Dry skin.
    • The dermatosis.
    • Burns and sunburns.
    • Skin deterioration.
    • Acne.

Natural Antioxidants :

The natural antioxidant protects epidermal cells, keratinocytes, and melanocytes against cellular aging, due to the inevitable exposure of the skin to oxygen peroxide (H2O2).

Its exceptional richness in antioxidant compounds, specifically vitamin E (carotenoids, phenolic compounds, sterols and tocopherols) gives it an incredible disposition to protect the skin against free radicals.

2. Date Seed Oil benefits

A miraculous cosmetic ingredient: :

Nourishing and moisturizing oil :

Promotes skin hydration, stimulates the production of collagen, responsible for the suppleness and firmness of the skin.

Regenerating and restorative oil :

Repairs damage caused by oxidative stress; it stimulates the skin’s natural defense.

A natural oxidant :

Naturally helps the skin against free radicals. Prevents aging and dehydration thanks to its vitamin E and A composition and its omega 6 and 9 content. It nourishes, protects and regenerates the skin.

Hair loss prevention :

Allows to slow down hair loss. It is a source of active ingredients perfectly suited to the physiological needs of dry, damaged and brittle hair.

Hair Growth :

Effective for revitalizing and stimulating hair regrowth. One drop in your shampoo is enough to stop hair loss, fight against dryness and repair split ends.